
Микросхема PIC16F676-E/SL

Поставка электронных компонентов в Пермь

274,40 руб.

x 274,40 = 274,40
Сроки поставки выбранного компонента в Пермь уточняйте у нашего менеджера
Склад №110-12 дней274,40руб.255,19руб.246,96руб.241,47руб.233,24руб.219,52руб.214,03руб.
Склад №25-7 дней515,87руб.474,71руб.466,48руб.455,50руб.439,04руб.414,34руб.403,37руб.
Склад №35-7 дней524,10руб.482,94руб.471,97руб.460,99руб.439,04руб.417,09руб.408,86руб.
Склад №410 дней329,28руб.301,84руб.296,35руб.288,12руб.279,89руб.263,42руб.255,19руб.
Склад №57 дней477,46руб.439,04руб.428,06руб.419,83руб.406,11руб.381,42руб.370,44руб.
Склад №610-12 дней299,10руб.277,14руб.268,91руб.263,42руб.255,19руб.238,73руб.233,24руб.


PIC16F676-E/SL PIC16F630/676 8-Bit Flash Microcontrollers
The PIC16F range of microcontrollers from Microchip are 8-bit MCUs that incorporate Microchip’s PIC® architecture into a variety of pin and package options, from space efficient 14-pin devices to feature-rich 64-pin devices. Devices with Baseline, Mid-Range or Enhanced Mid-Range architecture are available with numerous different peripheral combinations, giving designers flexibility and choice for their applications.

The PIC16F630/676 family of microcontrollers is based upon Microchip’s Mid-range core with an 8 level deep hardware stack and 35 instructions. These MCUs provide up to 5 MIPS, up to 1.75 Kbytes program memory, up to 64 bytes RAM and Data EEPROM of 128 bytes. On board is an oscillator factory calibrated to ±1% accuracy.

PIC16 Microcontrollers Cam & Groove Couplings — PolypropyleneМикросхемы / Микроконтроллеры / Микроконтроллеры Microchip
Корпус: 14-SOIC, инфо: PIC 1024 x 14 — PROM/64-RAM 128-EEPROM 12I/O 2Timer + Comparator + Watchdog ICSP ICD2